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Tire Temperature Sensors Kit


Item X08TTK014120

Product Details


Tire Temperature sensors have been specifically designed to measure the surface temperature of tires, providing important info for chassis tuning, tire exploitation, and driver behaviour.

Key Features

MyChron5/MyChron5 – 2T can measure the Tire temperature connecting via CAN to the Infrared (IR) temperature controller device properly designed and developed by AiM; it supports up to four temperature sensors directly connected to the measure points. Tire temperature sensors kit needs no configuration. Once connected to MyChron5 it is automatically recognized by the system and data sampled will be downloaded with Race Studio 3.


  • Connection: Connection to MyChron5 via IR Temperature Controller

  • Output signal: 0-5V

  • Field of View: 35°

  • Temperature range: -20°/120°C

  • IR temperature controller dimensions: 127.6 x 32 x 39 mm

  • Sensor dimensions: 26.6 x 17.2 mm

  • Sensor cable length: 250 mm

  • IR temperature controller cable length: 400 mm